A Paragon Special Report
While waiting for the 2016 real estate market to really wake up and start generating useful statistical data, below is a look at San Francisco house and condo values over the past 5 years, broken out by neighborhood. In most districts, the market bottomed out in 2011, and the current market recovery began in 2012. At the bottom of this report is a map of San Francisco neighborhoods.
Important context: Median sales price is a general statistic, often concealing an enormous variety of values in the underlying individual sales. It can be and often is affected by other factors besides changes in fair market value, such as major changes in the distressed property, luxury home, or new-home construction segments. Sometimes median prices fluctuate without great significance: Substantially different groups of homes (larger, smaller, older, newer, etc.) simply sold in the periods being compared. Assessing appreciation by changes in dollar per square foot values, instead of by changes in median sales prices, can sometimes deliver significantly different appreciation rates.
San Francisco HOUSE Price Changes
2011 to 2015

Our full report on SF house price appreciation, which includes a table of
every neighborhood with a significant number of sales is here. Scroll down past the charts for the complete table:
San Francisco House Price Appreciation
San Francisco CONDO Price Changes
2011 to 2015

Our full report on SF condo price appreciation is here. Scroll down past the charts for the complete table:
San Francisco Condo Price Appreciation
We have also updated dozens of charts pertinent to home sales and values in various San Francisco districts. Below is a small sample. If you would like information on a specific neighborhood not included below, please call or email.

Our general survey of the 2015 San Francisco real estate market:
San Francisco Homes Market in 2015
Our recent report on the residential investment property market:
San Francisco Multi-Unit Building Sales
These analyses were performed in good faith with data derived from sources deemed reliable, but they may contain errors and are subject to revision. All numbers should be considered approximate.
© 2016, Paragon Real Estate Group